PRO-ATC/SR - Professional Air Traffic Control for
Microsoft Flight Simulator (MSFS 2020), PREPAR-3D and FSX/SE
What is SR?
SR stands for 'Speech Recognition'. Now you can cummunicate with ATC and your virtual co-pilot by speech via a standard headset mike'. SR USES ENGLISH ONLY.
If you do not want to use SR then you can use keyboard and controller keys.
The 'new' In'Flight window can be displayed anywhere on the main FlightSim screen or you can move the 'In-Flight' window to another screen or even to a networked PC(uses SimConnect).
Software Requirements
Windows 10, or above is required. With FSX-SE and P3D below version 2.3, full screen mode is not supported!
Who Should Use Pro-ATC/SR?
Pro-ATC/SR is meant for people who take their flying seriously. If your idea of fun is crashing your plane as quickly as possible, this is not the program for you. You have to be prepared for a learning curve if you are a beginner. Pro-ATC/SR tries to assist where ever possible by a virtual copilot.
Pro-ATC/SR is the most complete Air Traffic Control (ATC) add-on for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 (MSFS), Prepar3D and FSX-SE. We believe that Pro-ATC/SR will take Air Traffic Control to the next level.
Flying online is nice, but you'll be on your own once there is no controller in charge for a certain frequency - our experience is, that many frequencies are not supervised during a flight. There is a better way...
Whether you like flying the heavies, such as the 747 or the Airbus 340 or turboprops, Pro-ATC/SR is ready for you. Pro-ATC/SR provides the appropriate controllers who give you the current weather, clearances, taxi instructions, take-off clearances, ascent and descent clearances, vectors to the active runway, clearances to land, ground clearances, and traffic calls for any aircraft in your flight path.
Pro-ATC/SR allows you to fly dynamically assigned Departure Procedures, will accurately handle emergencies, give you the option to fly specific approaches and allow you to fly to your alternate airport when the weather is below minimums.
How flights are controlled...
With PRO-ATC/SR all steps of professional IFR flights are processed. Twelve (12) checklists can be processed in teamwork with your virtual copilot. Standard instrument departure and arrival procedures are supported. Lower and upper airways are also taken into account.
Copilot support
During the whole flight you'll be supported by your virtual copilot. Depending on the options you have set, the copilot is able to setup the autopilot, gear, flaps, speed brakes, lights as well as the nav-radio and the com-radio. With all copilot options enabled, there isn't much left for you to do - ideal for beginners! On the other hand, you can setup the options in a more realistic manner so that both the pilot and copilot share the workload or should you want to, delegate all cockpit tasks to the pilot! Not really a good idea.
For the communication between pilot/copilot and controllers or between pilot and copilot, we have recorded sound files specifically for PRO-ATC/SR. The result is a highly realistic pronunciation. You can find further information under the 'Sound tab of our web page' if you are interested in recording an additional voice set.
Background ATC
Additionally, authentic sound files can be played as background ATC which are frequency and coordinate dependent. That means you'll hear ATC originating from the country you are flying over, the radar sector you are in or even the airport you are taking-off from or landing at. Many sound files have been implemented and numerous additional recordings are available on different web sites for free. You can make use of the wizard we have integrated to configure and enhance the sophistication of background ATC.
AI - Automatically generated traffic by MSFS, Prepar3D, FSX/SE
The actual traffic (AI) continues to be controlled by the flight simulation but is detected and considered and even changed by PRO-ATC/SR. That means you won't get a clearance for takeoff when an aircraft is on final approach or still on the runway. It will even be controlled to avoid collisions with your aircraft when airborne.
We are sure you'll enjoy the new features implemented by PRO-ATC/SR. Have safe and good landings wherever you choose to fly!
Your Pointsoft Team